About Us

There is enough wealth for every one in all places in the world which can better the living standard of every human being, but this will be so if everyone in the world become part of the illuminati, we have decided to take this decision in accordance with our global agenda. The Illuminati Brotherhood provides over $64 billion annually in mission and other grants, addressing the most critical issues faced by our society today. Join today to get connected to more than 250,000 industry peers, business leaders, innovators and people of all works of life worldwide. Became a member of the world’s elite today by joining the prestigious and outstanding Illuminati organization.

Your Ancestors

 are not Demons

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The Illuminati Society was founded on 1 May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt in the Electorate of Bavaria, Germany. Adam Weishaupt was born on 6 February 1748 in Ingolstadt in the Electorate of Bavaria. Initially Illumination was designated for a group of outstanding and enlightened individuals in the society. Indeed, the word was adapted from a Latin root, Iluminatus, which directly translates to “enlightened.” He also adopted the name of “Brother Spartacus” within the order. The order sought to promote the doctrines of equality & freedom throughout the society

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